DistTrain: Addressing Model and Data Heterogeneity with Disaggregated Training for Multimodal Large Language Models


Multimodal large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated significant potential in a wide range of AI applications. Yet, training multimodal LLMs suffers from low efficiency and scalability, due to the inherent model heterogeneity and data heterogeneity across different modalities. We present DistTrain, an efficient and adaptive framework to reform the training of multimodal large language models on large-scale clusters. The core of DistTrain is the disaggregated training technique that exploits the characteristics of multimodal LLM training to achieve high efficiency and scalability. Specifically, it leverages disaggregated model orchestration and disaggregated data reordering to address model and data heterogeneity respectively. We also tailor system optimization for multimodal LLM training to overlap GPU communication and computation. We evaluate DistTrain across different sizes of multimodal LLMs on a large-scale production cluster with thousands of GPUs. The experimental results show that DistTrain achieves 54.7% Model FLOPs Utilization (MFU) when training a 72B multimodal LLM on 1172 GPUs and outperforms Megatron-LM by up to 2.2× on throughput. The ablation study shows the main techniques of DistTrain are both effective and lightweight.

Yinmin Zhong
Yinmin Zhong
Ph.D. Student

My research interests include machine learning systems and large language models.